Description When using the NFE, customer is able to see and select menu items that have been archived in the Menu Items drop down list within the Add/Edit Spaces window. The spaces then generate the pricing attached to the archived menu item, which is incorrect. Customer Details Org - link to the org in admin User - link to the user in admin panel Intercom - link to the intercom thread How to reproduce Navigate to Settings> Organization> Spaces Edit the space in question Open the Menu Item drop down and search for the menu item in question and there will be two present on the list. One or more of these is archived. There is no icon or pricing present to indicate which one is which. The system allows users to select the archived menu item here. In Settings> Organization> Menus, open menu being used. There is only one instance of the active menu item Change “Include Archived” to TRUE. There are two instances of the menu item, and the archived one displays here with the old pricing