automatically BCC or cc an address when sending emails
Katie Knight
Not all of our team members use ET and therefore we like to have a copy of the emails sent from ET in our shared inbox.
Currently, we have to manually BCC the email address each time we send a reply, which it time consuming & leaves room for human error (where sometimes, we forget to BCC). It'd be more convenience if there was a setting to select an email to automatically bcc to all emails sent from ET.
This is often helpful for properties when sharing Invoices in particular, when the accounts team needs to be sent the Invoice each time.
Scott Chester
Also useful for certain email templates. Maybe we are introducing the contact to a third party photographer, cake vendor, etc. The email can be templated and work through a workflow, but the CC needs to be added.
Workaround: Setup a rule for that exact email subject in Exchange that adds the CCs, but it's far from elegant.